How to Solve PCMTuner ‘User Already Exists’ Error?

Trying to install PCMtuner(already registered) on the second laptop.
When click on “register” then enter the email it tell me that user already exists.
When click on don’t register. Software exit directly.
Any help please?
Solve PCMTuner ‘User Already Exists’ Error 1
Solve PCMTuner ‘User Already Exists’ Error 2
Currently it is locked to 1 computer ID, you can install and use pcm-flash and dongle on multiple.
Easier option is to contact tech support who will set new access to computer and remove old one, but it still means for now PCMtuner app is locked to one computer.

If you reinstall pcmtuner on another PC, Pcmtuner software and hardware are licensed per PC. You would need to reinstall with a different email, then contact again and explain the situation to get license reactivated for new pc.